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Read Luke 2: 22- 40

Simeon and Ana, two people who waited and looked for the promise of God, met the infant Jesus when he was brought to the temple. Simeon was led to the Temple, Ana stayed there, both while looking for the fulfillment of God's promise, the gift of the Messiah. They had both waited a long, long time - but they saw it.

I wonder how many people walked on by the child and his parents and DIDN'T?

Why? Were they not looking for the Messiah? Were they positive it had to look like something else and missed it? Were they busy with other things, chasing after their own concerns and cares, that they didn't even notice the little family there?

Then again, the shepherds heard the angels when Jesus was born and went and saw. What about the people in town? How about the magi who traveled from a foreign land, were not even Jews, who followed a start all the way? How many people even noticed the star? How many of them thought twice about it if they did?

So what holds your attention?

What are you REALLY looking for?

What is God to you, and what does God look like?

In a sense, WHAT IS your God?

Hopefully, Christmas will remind you of WHO is your God, and that he came as a baby and lived among us.

May Christmas help you see your Messiah, and the promise that is fulfilled in him.