Today's usually assigned  Gospel is John 15:1-8 (Jesus saying I am the vine).

The lessons I am focusing on are the other lessons for the day: Acts 8: 26-40 and 1 John 4: 7-21.

Jesus is the vine and we are the branches- but how?  It takes love, perfect love, and it takes sharing.

Now read those two lessons.

What empowered Philip to even think of approaching the Ethiopian Eunuch in his carriage? What message did he have to give that was so important? He had love, the perfect love of God in Jesus Christ.

He had it to use, he had it to share.  It was given to him by Jesus in such a supply that he could give it away. He could use it to cover any fear that he had approaching someone of such high standing, as well as any concern that he really had nothing to offer.

He had everything to offer! The Good News of God in Jesus Christ!

The Love that Created, Redeemed, and continues to be Shown is to be shared with all.

I really hope that a bunch of you have read, "You Are Witnesses Of These Things" for the book club. It has great information on how to help share the Good News.

Then again, please remember that the Good News is there now, and you can share it, as you share it through the love of God that came to you!

(I will be offering a class using that book in the Fall for anyone who would like to learn how to better share the Good News!)