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Join us in giving someone in need a reason to be thankful. The need is great! In years past our goal was to feed 150 people. This year our goal is to help 300! Please join us in showing care to 300 neighbors.

Items needed:

40 cooked & carved Turkeys

320 servings of Mashed Potatoes

320 servings of Gravy

320 servings of Stuffing

20 large cans of Mixed Vegetables

80 cans of Corn

40 cans of Cranberry Sauces (14 oz.)

25 bags of Salad Mix

20 bottles of Salad Dressing

300 Dinner Rolls

50 Pumpkin Pies

15 cases of Water

25 donations of 12-packs of Soda or Hot Chocolate

25 donations of 12-packs Apple Juice boxes

300 disposable Salad Dressing containers

300 disposable Meal “To Go” containers

300 disposable Pie containers

40 disposable/reusable Aluminum Foil pans

20 disposable Table Covers

Volunteers to prepare uncooked food, carving turkeys, and cutting pies

Volunteers to pack 300 meal containers

The available donation/volunteer opportunities are listed on Signup Genius, click here to signup

Monetary donations are also very appreciated! If paying by check, please mail it to Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, PO Box 90925, Tucson, AZ 85752 with "The Lot on 22nd" in the memo line. Or you may also donate to "Community Connections" online on our "GIVE" page and your donation will go toward this worthy cause.

Please coordinate with Mary Havenhill (520-481-5684) for donation drop-off dates/times. Donations are appreciated before Thanksgiving Day if and when possible.

Clean Up Crew Is Also Needed!

Our BSLC volunteers for the Lot need to recruit 5-10 people to help clean up Werner Hall on Thanksgiving Day after the preparation for dinner for The Lot on 22nd St has been completed.  The volunteers would need to arrive around 2pm.

Clean up activities would include the following: Clean up kitchen, wash and put away dishes, sweep and mop floors, take out trash, put away all items used for preparation of food, putting tables and chairs back if needed. 

Any and all support is greatly appreciated! Many thanks!