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Painting classes start next Monday, January 20! These classes run Monday and Wednesday 1-4PM, or Monday and Wednesday 6-9PM, or Tuesday and Thursday 9AM-noon.  A class consists of six three-hour sessions, two per week for three weeks, held in the Luther Room.  Cost is for materials only - $40.


This course is aimed at people who would like to be able to paint, but never dreamed they could.  The painting medium is acrylics, and the subject is pets – specifically, the painter’s own pet, or one of a close friend or family member.  This adds an incentive to do one’s best, yet lessens the temptation to compare (favorably or unfavorably) one’s own painting with that of another student’s.


See Stan Thorud between services in Werner Hall for more details, or text him at 612-670-5328 by Sunday evening to sign up.